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Is a diet of only raw vegetables and fruits, nuts and cereals. That is to say, it is a diet of thermally unprocessed food. Milk, fish, meat, eggs are completely excluded from the diet. Raw feeding is the next step after veganism.

The human body is adapted to eating only raw food. Only raw fruits, raw vegetables and raw nuts. Any thermally processed food loses almost all useful substances, ceases to perform its functions and turns into unnecessary ballast in the body. 

I like the comparison with the phone. If you melt your phone, it will turn into a pile of metal and plastic, you will no longer be able to use it for its intended purpose. Only the molten phone you throw out in a dumpster, and with consequences of the use of the processed food the organism tries to cope during all life, deducing a waste on the limit of the possibilities, but the most part anyway accumulates in cages, vessels, fabrics and bodies that leads to illnesses and the further premature death.

A child's cold is the first sign of contamination caused by boiled food. During the disease, the appetite sharply decreases - the body is trying to stop the influx of poisons to withdraw the existing ones. The worst thing parents can do is to make him eat common broths, feces, etc., to regain his strength. Cheese eaters are not sick at all from birth, no matter how amazing it is.
Nutrition with raw vegetable food alone can prevent and even completely heal many diseases. Long-time cheese eaters do not know what a cold, migraine, ulcer or gastritis, kidney stones, cancer, atherosclerosis, hypertension and other acute and chronic diseases are. If you do not die as a result of an accident, it is highly probable that you will live for more than 100 years, will look much younger than your peers, keep the clarity of mind, slim figure and to old age will rejoice at life, not complain about the disease.

Recently, more and more people in all countries of the world have come to such a diet. This is not a fashionable diet. It is a way of life that any reasonable person chooses. If vegetarianism and brought people, any subtle improvements in life, the raw food changes everything in its roots from the first days. The difference between these two types of food is the same as between heaven and earth.

Having decided to try raw food, there will be people who will talk you out of this idea. You will be shown a lot of misinformation, refer to doctors, articles in newspapers (which wrote about the death of the cheese eater). You will get the feeling that the whole system is conspiring and does not want to let you out.
Council #1 - read more literature on this topic.
Council number 2 - try it, you will know a lot more than those who talk about raw food, not having practical experience.
A survey was conducted on why people do not throw away raw food. After all, no one is forcing them, and that's what they said.
...everyone has their own way. Their choice.  
I was a big meat lover until I tried raw food. I just advise everyone to eat for two months. Honestly, you will be shocked by the changes, and ask yourself why you didn't know about it before. There is nothing to discuss here. Just try it, you won't get away with it. And you will gain experience and will not argue at the level of trunks and other people's opinions.
Raw food - that's where the dream of alchemists about the stone that prolongs life, about the elixir of life, which they were looking for. And all this is achieved not by witchcraft effects, often calculated for several hours by means of drugs, but by fundamental processes of healing of all diseases by means of reconstruction of the whole organism.

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